was set up in the company
ROSTEX VYŠKOV, s.r.o. in 2008.
The pulse for starting a new production has been increasing demand from the industry, the existing technological equipment and experience in sheet metal processing.
During the development of the production we have gradually built new assembly workshops for particular projects, we also created new work teams and installed new CAD/CAM equipment.
In the field of certicifation we became in 2008 certified according to DIN EN 15085-2, level CL1, welding for rail vehicles. The level of quality management in our company
ROSTEX VYŠKOV, s.r.o. was verified in 2011 by the company
BUREAU VERITAS, which performed the certification audit according to
IRIS standard.
Product range for railway industry includes three main product groups:
Our goal is to become a reliable supplier and strategic partner for major world manufacturers of rail vehicles.
To realize complex product including design and construction and related services as logistics and service.